Saturday, September 20, 2008

2008 Sept 20 Soyang Dam and Cheongpyeong temple Part 3

After finishing taking pics at the waterfall next to the top of the dam we continued on down towards the docks where the ferry is that takes you to the temple.

I suppose this could be called 'Snack Lane' as it's lined with snack stalls . . .

I was a little disappointed in the selection of food. It seemed like every booth had corn on the cob, nuts, baby silk worm, and a few other inexpensive foods. I was hoping for snack foods that are typically found on the streets in Seoul like chicken on a stick, hot dog on a stick, etc.

You can see the lake from the lane as you walk to the docks--it's very beautiful.

As we walked away from the dam I took shots of the back of it . . . the water was fairly calm but I found myself wishing it was still because I think the pictures would have been spectacular with the reflections in the water if it had been perfectly still.

1988 Olympics Monument.

There is a row of faces here. I'm guessing they are gold medalists and/or medalists.

I took close up shots of all the faces but show this one because there were only two women on the wall.

After 'Snack Lane' and the 1988 Olympics monument there is a building on the right. We weren't sure what it was but there was a stairway that went under it and came out on the other side to an attached patio with a nice view.

After the building on the right we came to a fork in the road. We took the right lane that goes down to the docks (do not expect to see any English signs for tourists saying where to go).

I noticed these two watching everything . . .

Humans are sooooo boring--nap time.

Walking down to the docks I noticed some signs. I didn't think to take a picture but there is a concrete wall that is kind of low that runs along the road. Right next to it is a taller plastic and metal fence with mesh that I assume is for protecting workers (and likely drunk people--a lot of drinking goes on when hiking before and after) from plunging over it and falling about 20 feet.

I bought two round-trip tickets (W5 000 each), and then we got on the ferry.

Inside the ferry . . . circa 1960s (I think) . . .

The circle thingy (yes, I'm a nautical genius) in the window is really cool. It spins and prevents fog and water from accumulating and keeps visibility clear for the pilot.

Once we got on the boat it started raining. In some ways this was cool because the fog and mist over the mountains created an opportunity for pictures that I wouldn't have gotten if we had decided not to make the trip due to weather. I'm glad we decided to go in spite of seeing on the Internet that rain showers were forecast for the afternoon.

After a five minute ferry ride we arrived at the docks. I noticed this sign as we started up the path leading to the temple. I have no idea what "hydrocracked lubricants" means, and if it is actually an industry term . . . but it does make me smile . . . lol.

From the docks to the temple it's about a 25-30 minute walk IF you are in fairly good shape, and don't stop to take pictures (I think it took us around 90 minutes with all of the stops to take pictures). There's a sign that says the distance to the temple is 2km. A few sections of the path are steep but nothing compared to hiking mountains in Korea like Mani mountain on Ganghwa Island.


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