Thursday, October 23, 2008

2008 Korea Fall Blue Sky and Yellow Leaves

This morning the weather was actually clear with a blue sky AND I had a little bit of free time before I had to continue marking exams . . . so I took some pictures around the campus.

I've been reading a photography book called "Langford's Starting Photography, 5th Edition" by Michael Langford and Phillip Andrews. I'm still trying to wrap my mind around some of the basics . . . but I still think that in spite of the insane number of things I don't know about how to take pics I do think I manage to snap some decent shots . . .

On the way to class . . .

The main pathway onto campus . . .

Lane way in front of administration building.

These shots were taken just across from the building my office is in.

I like the contrasting green and yellow and blue . . .

I think these students are in the PE department. They were practicing T-ball . . .

You'll see this type of street lamp around Korea in many different forms . . .

Shot from the 3rd floor foyer near my office . . .

Back to marking exams . . . and of course, editing teaching demonstration English scripts . . .

KOTESOL in T-minus 20 hours . . .


1 comment:

  1. Hi, Jason

    I've got a blog account so my comment shoud be posted now, I guess.
    I liked the pictures of golden ginko trees. Can I have one of them to use it for my computer background screen?
    I'll let you know my favorite one.
    Have a nice weekend.

