Saturday, October 18, 2008

2008 October 17: Random Pics Around My Apartment

Walking outside to go to work I saw one of the crazy moving cranes. You put your stuff onto the platform, and then it slides up to the balcony windows where you have to reach out and grab it. Sometimes you'll see a person climb out onto the platform to get stuff.

Just outside my apartment complex there is a gourd vine. I'm always fascinated to see how big they can get . . .

Julianne and I were going out to get some food and ran into this little guy . . .

A Korean woman was walking into the stairwell at the same time and her reaction was funny. I think she was scared of this little guy . . . I think he's cute.

I don't know where she came from, but he better go back there before some of the neighborhood kids see her . . .

Beetle . . . neat.

I think these are sesame seeds . . . not sure. I like the kind of zen Buddhism garden feel it has . . .

Fall leaves outside the building my office is in at the university.

At the main gates of the university they put out big pots of flowers last week.

Massive picture post coming soon . . . editing 500 pictures down to something smaller is torture. I seriously have issues trying to choose one picture over another, or not including different angles of the same subject . . . sigh.


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