Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Quiz #1 ends . . . collecting tests--"Teacher, I didn't do the second page . . ."

In one of the courses I teach the students have a quiz this week. I hand out the tests and 20 minutes goes by . . .

I begin collecting the tests when suddenly, one of the students looks like this,

"[D]OH! Jason, I forgot to do the second page, [D]OH!"

I had double-sided the quiz on one piece of paper to save a few trees. The student did not turn the page over when he finished the first page of the test.

During the quiz I had looked at him with a curious expression on my face when I noticed he had finished the quiz in under five minutes (students had 20 minutes, most need about 10) and was just sitting there looking around . . .

I should have realized something was amiss but it didn't dawn on me to check if he had done the second page . . .

The student sat there relaxing until I began collecting the tests . . . it seems very funny now looking back . . .

So, I gave the student some time to finish up the second page of the quiz. He then ran off to join his peers at the university festival events . . .

All's well that ends well.


1 comment:

  1. the round thing u were talking about(the indian dish ) its a gulab jaamun ....
