Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Korean Autumnscape + Drizzle = Bla

Walking out of my apartment this morning I saw this . . . blah!

Lunch! Strips of pork, rice, fried egg, kimchi, with spicy sauce . . . today it was mildly nuclear-spicy.

Red berry tree on the way from the cafeteria to my office.

Walking into the building my office is in I noticed this fire extinguisher with a chair . . . yes, it's a slow day . . . I didn't have a lot of time to play with the settings on my SLR to make it a more interesting pic . . . oh well.

There is a door that leads out onto the roof from the 3rd floor foyer that my office is next to. It has a green roof . . . ohhh the colors . . .

I wonder what's in there?

Wandering around looking for more colors . . . I went into the secretary's office.

Nice towel . . . it's pretty common in Korea for teachers and people who work in schools to have their own hand towels sitting on the back of their office chairs, or somewhere nearby.

Random colorful stuff on the window sill next to the secretary's desk . . .

English Education Department secretary's shirt . . . "Oppa! Otike!!!" ("Older brother! Oh my god!!!"). Too much fun . . .

Disney . . . is everywhere here.

In the corner of a classroom hiding . . . I think there's a hidden message here for me . . . yes, I'll keep trying to take better photos . . .


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