Tuesday, December 30, 2008

"The Look" -- Portrait of a Girlfriend Slightly Amused

Last night Julianne and I went out for dinner. While waiting for our food I was again messing around with my camera--and I got this look from Julianne . . . what a cutey!

The next day (today) I headed downtown to run some errands. It was nice outside although a bit cold.

I LOVE how delivery trucks in Korea pretty much operate however they see fit. I would absolutely be in photography heaven if this truck got in an accident (and nobody was hurt, of course) and the eggs went flying EVERYWHERE--lol.

Inside McDonalds waiting for our food I tried to do a 'cool' pic . . . TRIED . . . nope. I was hoping to get the image of the room reflected on the surface of the Christmas ball . . . argh.

Outside the sky was a really nice blue, and the air was very clear so we could see the mountains clearly.

I wanted to walk around and take more pics but Julianne was freezing so we headed back to the apartment so that she could cocoon herself in a comforter while I played around on the Internet.


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