Wednesday, February 11, 2009

If you teach English in Korea WATCH THIS COMMERCIAL -- TOO FUNNY!

For all those expat/foreign teachers in Korea who've seen t-shirts with outrageously sexual English (and other things), and heard songs being played in public places with tons of swearing and adult content, here's a commerical that TOTALLY NEEDS TO BE REMADE WITH A KOREAN FAMILY!!! (NSFW! Unless, of course, you work with people who don't speak English, lol)

Who among us hasn't thought about doing something like this? Lol . . .

Guess what? Our students here aren't the only ones who can be oblivious to what is going on right in front of them . . . LOL! I'm laughing so hard I'm crying and Julianne and saying mean things about small children and their parents!

Wow, tonight I'm finding some real gems!



  1. If you teach English don't miss this one:

  2. Never mind, I just saw it in the next post :).
