Monday, March 2, 2009

New Foreign English Instructors -- First Day In Your New Apartment Checklist

The check list below is part of a series of check lists I made for the orientation program I put together.

There are probably items that need to be added, but I think that most of the big things are here.

And again, if you copy this and use it please cite the source: Jason Ryan.


First Day In Your New Apartment Checklist

1. Ask your co-teacher to get the building manager's phone number.
2. Call the building manager and arrange a time to meet them BEFORE you go to the apartment.
3. On arrival find out your secret entry code, and/or get a copy of the apartment key.
4. The KET and NET should write down the phone number of the Building Manager.
5. Check that the fridge works and is turned on. Ask about how to adjust the thermostat.
Check that the gas range works, and learn how to turn it on and off.
6. Check that the sink drain works, and that the water taps are functional.
7. Check the toilet, sink, and shower in the bathroom.
8. Find the ondol (floor heating system) thermostat, and controls for the water heater for the shower and apartment sinks.
9. Take a blank piece of paper and draw a sketch of the thermostat buttons. Label what each button's function is on the paper (it'll be in Korean, you'll need the English).
10. Next, find the washing machine. Check that it works, and that the water is running.
11. Take another piece of paper and draw the buttons on the control panel of the washing machine. Write down next to each button what their function is on the paper.
12. If there is an air conditioner check that it works. Again, make a drawing of the controls and write down each button's function. Also, check the filters--likely they've not been cleaned or changed in years. You may want to ask the building manager to call for a service technician to clean the air conditioner, and put new filters in it. You will probably have to pay for it, but consider the possible health problems if the filters have not been changed in years.
13. Ask the building manager to show you where the garbage and recycling area is outside the building.
14. Ask your co-teacher to explain to the building manager that you would prefer he/she does not come into your apartment without your permission, and that they must knock first and wait for permission to enter when they want to see you. And when you are absent that you would prefer they do not enter without asking for permission first.
15. Give the building manager your school phone number, Korean English teacher's cell phone number. Explain that all communications should be made through the KET since you cannot speak Korean fluently.
16. Also, you might be able to set up a pre-authorized withdrawal of your building maintenance fees. This is very convenient for you and the building manager. Ask the building manager to explain how the building fees work, and a list of each item/fee.
17. Check that there is a working phone jack, and internet connection.
18. Make sure all the electrical outlets are working.
19. Make sure there are screens on all the windows (and no HOLES in them--mosquitoes suck during the summer).
20. Talk to your co-teacher about things that you need that are not in the apartment. Make a list. Then set up a date and time with your co-teacher to go shopping for them. You should try to go with your co-teacher for the shopping trip if possible.

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