Tuesday, April 7, 2009

2009 Spring flowers on my way to work this morning . . .

Last night Julianne and I stayed in her apartment. We don't spend a lot of time there normally, but with the summer coming we have been thinking about shifting locations because my apartment doesn't have an air conditioner (yeah, how nuts is that?).

This is the view from just outside the apartment door.

Outside the building . . .

I seriously love how the circular polarized lens filter I got for my camera works with bright sky lighting conditions. I would never have gotten as nice a shot as this with just the UV filter on my lens.

I've heard from friends in Seoul that the cherry blossoms are in bloom--I can't wait to go there this weekend.

The colors are really nice.

At the intersection near Julianne's apartment I noticed an impromptu farmer's sidewalk mini-market set up . . . cool.

The walk to work had some nice opportunities for taking pics--so I did.

Hello, little one.

Fuzzy . . .

Not sure what these trees are but anything that is different from the Korean winterscape of brown or gray looks great to me.

Buddha's birthday and the Lotus Lantern Festival in Seoul are coming soon--another picture taking event that I can't wait to go to again. This will be my fifth year in a row! All over Korea Buddhists put up paper lanterns to celebrate this event.

You can see this for yourself in Seoul. If you go to the street festival you can find booths where you can make your own paper lantern for the festival, and some people even go and march in the massive parade that takes place.

Almost at the university I came across these guys.

This dog looks like the one from Men In Black . . .


I took a pic of this place cause it's a kind of hybrid between traditional Korean architecture and modern with a dash of something else . . .

Arriving on campus I saw this . . .

Close-up time.

I can't wait for the weekend. It's finally been warm enough for long enough that the cherry blossoms are in bloom.

I'm predicting that I'll take at least 500 pictures, if not closer to a 1000 . . . editing that is going to be a fun but arduous process.

The last little bit of my walk to work always takes me by the administration building. If the sky had been a little clearer this picture would look a lot nicer, but as it is . . . not bad.

Well, time to go do some work.


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