Monday, May 25, 2009

2009 Chuncheon International Mime Festival May 24 -- Part 1

This past Sunday afternoon Julianne and I headed to the Chuncheon International Mime Festival . . . see this post about how we got to see a Guns N Roses "Knockin' on Heaven's Door" Tribute to President Roh -- I'm not kidding ...

Arriving at the festival we saw a performance already in full swing.

By the time I got into position to start snapping pics the performance was finished--pooh!

We then walked around a bit and wondered why there were so many arts and crafts tables . . . I guess something to keep the kiddies occupied . . .

After finishing people were putting these up on display.

We walked over to the front of the M department store. I thought there'd be a stage set up for the opening ceremony . . . nope. We waited for a minute and realized that nothing was going on there for at least an hour.

We never did see what the big black cauldrons and red buckets were used for . . .

Wandering back into another area I saw this massive crane . . .

. . . and then we headed towards the movie theaters cause we heard there was a stage set up there with performers.

Of the 6 performances I saw this guy was the best. He had that air of magic, surreality, and talent that made him a treat to watch.

He added a little bit of spicy to his performance here with the 'mimed boobs'--yes, I just said 'mimed boobs' . . .

At this point he illustrated how much he likes his broomstick--ahem, lol. There was some pelvic thrusting that I wasn't able to capture well with my camera--use your imagination.

He created the illusion that he was flying on his broomstick--very cool.

Considering the fact that I was about 25 feet away I think I got some decent shots. I should have just wormed my way to the front, but for some reason I didn't . . . oh well.

There was a pretty good turnout for the show . . . while taking pictures I was asked four times if I wanted to do an on-camera interview . . . no thanks.

The End . . .

Part 2 coming soon . . .


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