Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Updating my resume . . .

I haven't been blogging lately cause I've been updating my resume and teaching and work at the university has been nutbar busy.

It's amazing how much stuff you have to do when looking for a job in Korea--even after you've been through the process 4 times . . .

My checklist is comprised of the following things.

1. Update my resume.
2. Update my cover letter.
3. Get new copies of my university transcripts.
4. Copy of my university degree--done.
5. Medical health check--do after new contract is signed.
6. Criminal background check--do while on vacation in Canada.

While it might seem 'easy' to update the resume I've accumulated a lot of experience over the four plus years I've been in Korea. I find it hard to edit the details down and even delete some of them when those details may be what get me the 'dream job' I want . . .

Last night, in spite of being tired from teaching and working during the day, Julianne and I did our updated resume head shots. Here's mine,

Yikes . . . do I look tired?

Since Julianne and I were already dressed up we decided to do some 'couple shots' for our families and friends back home.

I then decided to change my shirt color to see if I could get a better head shot for myself . . .

I asked Julianne to say something each time she took a shot of me to try and get me to smile (I was really tired at this point) and it just wasn't working, lol. I think I may be doing a Spock eyebrow-thing here too . . .

And then she said something (aren't you wondering what? ha) that made me smile and laugh but by this point there was no hiding the fatigue . . .

After resigning myself to the fact that I look like I'd just taken a dozen sleeping pills washed down with a bottle of soju . . . Julianne and I did a few more couple shots and called it a night.

I have a lot of pics from last weekend in Seoul that I want to put up but don't know when I'll have time . . .

Soooooo busy . . .



  1. I really love that lats photo of the two of you! Nice~

  2. Hey,

    Thanks. We were pretty much punch-drunk tired by that point . . . lol.

