Friday, July 24, 2009

Shopping at the grocery store formerly known as Loblaws -- Orange juice with EXTRA pulp, oh baby!

When you choose to live 12 000km from home you also choose to live without certain foods that you enjoy . . .

Here are a few examples of foods that I really miss having easy access to in Canada while living in Korea . . . and which I have full access to right now as I'm on vacation! Yahoo!

#1 Tropicana orange juice . . . with EXTRA PULP!

#2 Miracle Whip -- the only true mayonnaise!

#3 Sardines . . . oh baby!

I really don't get why sardines like this are not easily found in Korea--but with that being said I haven't exactly gone on a hunt for them, and with my Korean reading ability being abysmal they could be on the shelf in the grocery stores and I've just been a big babo ('fool') and they've been there the whole time . . .

Anyways . . . those are a few of the foods I crave in Korea and can't find.

And now we come to criminal pricing exhibit #1: my brand and type of razor blades. Five blades for $15.99? YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING!!!

I don't know who shaves with these now in Canada--rich people? Who can afford to pay that much for FIVE blades? I'm going to be ranting about this for days . . .

To spin the topic wheel I watched "Grosse Point Blank" with my parents this afternoon--I LOVE the soundtrack and the movie is hilarious. The scene with Cusack and Akroyd in the breakfast diner is classic!!!

While watching the movie my dad was making his chili for us to have tomorrow . . .

This is something else that people who choose to live and teach English miss in Korea--really good home cooked meals!

My dad's chili is awesome, and his lasagna is fantastic . . .

And just for laughs here's a pic my mom has up on the walls in our hallway leading to the living room . . . I'm brushing my sister's hair--oh yeah, I was a blonde when I was little . . . let the blonde jokes begin . . . ha!

Alright, time to go watch "Serenity" for the 10th time . . . if you haven't seen this movie you SHOULD! It's one of my all time favorites . . .


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