Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A trip with my mom and dad to St. Jacobs, Ontario -- Also known as KNICK-KNACK HELL!!!

A little while ago my mom asked me if I wanted to take a trip with her and my dad to St. Jacobs, Ontario . . . I said sure, why not, and then went back to whatever I was doing at the time . . .

Note to self: ask more questions next time, dumbass!

Anyways, we left around 11am this morning and began the drive . . .

Somewhere around Stratford we saw this guy's nice ride . . .

Driving through Statford's downtown area . . .

After parking the car we began walking out to the main strip of St. Jacob's . . . and I saw this horse and buggy garage--cool.

Out on the main street of St. Jacob's--yep, more horse and buggy sightings.

And then began the descent into KNICK KNACK HELL . . .

Crossing the threshold of the veranda I felt something staring at me . . . yikes, ugly cats!

Nice. I'll take a dozen of those please . . . not.

Inside it looked like a Martha Stewart bomb had gone off . . . knick knacks were everywhere.

I mean e-v-e-r-y-w-h-e-r-e . . .

After a couple minutes of wandering around trailing after my parents I began to take pictures to occupy myself and to stave off the urge to bolt . . .

Coca Cola stuff seems to be pretty big with the whole country knick knack motif . . .

Plush mounted moose head? Uhm . . . okay.

And more stuff . . . the mother of an ex of mine would have been going bonkers in here. I remember one time while I was in the living room of this woman I counted over 100 knick knacks . . . yeah, and that was just in the living room.

Luckily for my dad and I, my mom doesn't have as severe a case of knick-knack-collecting-itis.

Alright, I'll admit that the squirrel made out of bark bits is kind of cool.

The artist didn't quite nail the moose--but good try.

I'm tempted to buy this for my mother just to see if she could pretend she likes it, hehehe.

Or these . . . lol.

Ah, the beaver . . . "Ohhhhh Caaanadaaaa . . . "

I'd pay 100.00 to see the bathroom in someone's home with this thing as the toilet paper holder, seriously, a hundred bucks!

Hello ladies . . .

Hey boys, how's it going? Oh god, save me . . . save me . . . seriously, who buys this stuff?

And more stuff . . .

And more Coca Cola stuff . . .

I guess even ducks have fans who will buy anything . . .

Nice to see the feminist liberation has still not reached rural Canada in 2009 . . .

Model cars . . . uhm, yeah, not into those so much anymore.

Look! "Children of the Corn" movie dolls!

Uhm . . . dolls, dolls, and more dolls . . . ohhh the excitement!

Follow the yellow brick road, follow the yellow brick road!

After ascending back to the surface of the Earth my mom then wanted to descend again to a different circle of Hell: 50% off Christmas country-style knick knacks . . .

Frosty! What have they done to you?

My mom staring intently at . . . stuff. As long as it makes you happy, right?

NICE UMBRELLA! I was seriously tempted to buy this and bring it back to Korea. Can you imagine the reactions I'd get walking around Seoul with this awesome work of art! LOL!

Almost sounds Korean . . . cool.

Ah, there are even knick knack objects for Canadian backyard culture . . . kind of? I think? Who do I know that would put this in their backyard . . . hmmmm.

Okay. This is not a real cat. It felt like a real cat when I touched its fur. This is not a real cat. It might have been a real cat--no, please no, it's not a real cat . . .

On the way home---YAY!!!---another horse and buggy . . .

It's been sooo nice seeing blue skies and real fluffy WHITE clouds . . .

I'm still adjusting to not seeing mountainscape skylines everywhere . . .

Well, I made it back safe and sound from knick knack hell . . . though I'm still trying to get the images of so many little scary objects out of my head . . .


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