Thursday, October 15, 2009

Choong Ahn High School, Seoul, South Korea -- Fall pictures, a soccer game, and a magpie . . .

Today was "Open House" at the high school . . . but I also heard other variations on the idea: parents day, parents visiting day, and a few others. I didn't really see many parents myself as I spent most of the day at my desk because classes my classes had been canceled due to a controversial nation wide test (see here for more info).

I put the time to good use, though, and did prep work for classes tomorrow, and next week.

When I finished work I headed outside to see a beautiful fall day. Here's a shot of the main building on the campus.

I was using my Sigma 18-200 lens, and should have switched over to my Sigma 10-22mm to get the whole building in the shot--but it's still a nice picture, I think.

The trees are beginning to show their fall colors . . . I can't wait until there are large patches of trees in fall colors. I've been told to return to Chang Deok Gung/Palace (see here for Part 1, and here for Part 2 of my pics of the palace) in a week or two because there are a lot of trees on the palace grounds and in the fall it's really awesome.

I then walked around for a while taking pics . . .

I'm beginning to explore black and white photography more on my camera . . .

This tree lies in a court yard that is behind the main building with 3 other buildings that surround it. This tree could be in a Harry Potter movie . . . I love its lines and character. I'll take more pics of it later.

After taking pics here I realized that the guys were playing a soccer game on the massive astro-turf field that sits on the rear part of the campus.

I turned on my camera's Artificial Intelligence Servo setting, and began taking shots and trying to tweak the settings so that I might get some good shots with my 18-200mm lens (I think a bigger super zoom lens would work better but I don't have one--yet).

The guys were playing hard, and it was fun watching them while trying to take some good shots.

I'm hoping to do a fall photo shoot of the entire school grounds over the next couple weeks--you can get an idea of how nice the campus is from the background here in this shot (below), but The Marmot's Hole has a gorgeous set of pictures here that I'll be hard pressed to top.

Anyways, I took shots for about 40 minutes . . .

After the game ended I began to walk off campus but ran into my favorite Korean bird . . .

I've been trying to get good shots of the magpie for 2 years now, and finally think I managed to get some.

He looks really different from the front when you can't see the blue coloring on his wings.

After wrapping up my photo shoot with the magpie I headed to Yongsan to meet a friend who wanted some camera shopping tips . . .

Well, time to go to bed . . . g'night all.



  1. I want a good shot of a magpie flying, although even getting close enough to shoot a stationary one is impressive.

  2. Wow. That is probably the fanciest school I've seen in Korea!

  3. Hi Kelsey,

    Yeah, it's a private school, and apparently famous...literally. Tourists are outside the gates of the school whenever I'm coming and going to the school...

    I'm going to do my own photo shoot of the school grounds over the next month or so, and then put it for the pics.

    How's life back home? Looks like you're having a blast.

  4. Life back home is okay. It's nice to be back, but it feels weird to be settled in one place for an undetermined amount of time. My move here was my 20th move in 8 years, and it feels weird to be stationary. But, I think it's good for me to be a little centered right now - my resume currently looks like the most ADD document ever - everything from "teacher" to "professional sailor" to "dog walker".

    I'm enjoying getting to know the Virginia area - it's not somewhere I've lived before, and I've been pleasantly surprised. It's also nice to be living with Marc, which has made my domestic side come out somewhat. I think I'll be more comfortable when I can get a more stable job though - I can make my half of rent and food each month right now, but it's a little too close for comfort.

    I'll also be happy when we both get more confident on the new sidecar bike and can drive it around more. It's a lot of fun already, but it will be moreso when we can actually get it out on the roads.
