Saturday, March 27, 2010

Where can I get a good hair cut in Seoul, South Korea? – Hair & Joy near Honggik University Station, Hondae, Seoul.

Julianne and I went to Hongdae, Seoul this afternoon to get her hair cut. The last time Julianne got her hair cut it was a little nerve-wracking because we chose a small Korean hairstyling shop in Chuncheon, Gangwon province, and had to hope they wouldn’t do anything too extreme because neither the hairstylists, nor Julianne and I, could communicate much with each other.

A little while ago Julianne was walking around Changdeok Palace and a Korean handed her a magazine called “Maps and Guides” that has maps, lists of shops, touristy places, and other things for foreigners visiting and living in Korea. It’s probably the best info/map/tourist source I’ve ever seen on paper in Korea. In the magazine it recommended Hair & Joy as a good place for foreigners to get their hair cut and styled.

It looks like Seoul Selection produced the magazine, and if so they did an amazing job!

We decided to check Hair & Joy out. Julianne called the phone number in the magazine (02-363-4253) to see if she needed an appointment. The Korean who answered the phone could speak English, and Julianne made an appointment very easily. Not something that happens often in Korea–wow.

We arrived at Honggik University Station and . . . .

Click on the link below to see pictures and read more at Kimchi Icecream: The Second Serving . . . . I've moved over to and will be blogging there from now on.

Where can I get a good hair cut in Seoul, South Korea? – Hair & Joy near Honggik University Station, Hondae, Seoul.

1 comment:

  1. I remember when I had my afro and went to just get a lining from a guy in Itaewon. I asked repeatedly if he understood what I wanted. I could tell he'd never even dreamed about cutting hair like mine. He seemed as if he got it, but sure enough, bam, chunk of my afro gone.


    Best to cut your own hair at least it is for me.
