Sunday, June 6, 2010

Vampires buses and loudspeakers on a Friday . . . how could teaching in Korea get any more fun than that?

Last Friday was the final day of my speaking test preparation and review classes. I'd only had one snag throughout the course of the week in terms of anything going wrong. Specifically, the Tuesday classes missed the lesson because Wednesday's classes got moved to Tuesday due to the elections voting national holiday and "too many missed Wednesdays" of classes throughout the semester. I ended up photocopying the handouts and giving them to my co-teacher who assured me he'd tell the guys everything they needed to know about the upcoming speaking test, and that he'd review everything too--though how he was going to do that during the 10 minutes every morning where homeroom teachers take attendance I don't know, as that was when he was planning on doing it.

Thinking that I'd made it to Friday with nothing else happening to make doing the review classes difficult I noticed two things outside the building where my classes are held: hundreds of kids from the adjoining middle school out on the playing field with loudspeakers, and blood donation buses . . . and I felt a sinking feeling.

The loudspeakers were really 'special' cause they made this fantastic echoey reverberation effect that bounced off the other buildings surrounding the playing field and then smacked right into the windows of my classroom. It's amazing how much power these things have . . .

Click on the link below to see pictures and read more at Kimchi Icecream: The Second Serving . . . . I've moved over to and will be blogging there from now on.

Vampires buses and loudspeakers on a Friday . . . how could teaching in Korea get any more fun than that?


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