Tuesday, October 14, 2008

2008 September Chicken Dokgalbi Dinner

Pictures from a dinner Julianne and I had with a Korean teacher friend.

I love the contrasts of red, yellow, white, and green in this picture.

After you finish eating Chicken Dokgalbi you usually get rice with spicy red pepper sauce mixed into it, and noodles with--yes, spicy red pepper sauce.

Mixing in the spicy red pepper sauce . . .

Dinner conversation was good. I am a little fussy about who I spend my free time with in Korea. I don't like to FEEL like I'm teaching when I'm eating dinner with a non-native speaker of English.

I don't care what the level of English is that my dinner companion/s have as long as they are fun to spend time with--it's when there is no personal connection combined with a low level of English that I really dislike it because I feel like I'm teaching an impromptu English conversation class . . .

Julianne's Korean teacher friend had excellent English conversation skills, and she was an interesting and fun person to talk to. It was a fun evening.

Walking home after dinner we passed one of my favorite places to eat in Chuncheon: Olive Garden.

I wonder if Disney knows . . . lol.

If it's possible to make something portable in Korea it's made portable. This is a fish truck. I've also seen chicken trucks, fruit trucks, and more . . .

Cool . . . this guy's setup allows him to clean and gut the fish for you . . . wow.

I'm not sure if they are trying to say you can learn "everything" or that they teach all of the different socio-cultural/regional dialects of English in the world--either way, an 'interesting' sign.

An even more 'interesting' sign . . . lol. It says, "Try Family." At first I was puzzled about the name of the store, and then I noticed the poster of a woman in lingerie in the window . . . think about it . . . lol.

I'd never seen plastic neon lighting palm trees before I came to Korea--they're pretty cool at night.

Uhm . . . please check the quality of the website or dictionary used to make this sign.

These little game machines are all over the place in Korea. You'll usually find them outside the small variety stores like GS 25, or Family Mart, and also next to school supply stores (stationary stores).

Looks like fun although I don't really care for the prizes themselves.

Korean restaurant sign culture ALWAYS has an animal on the sign to tell you what kind of food they specialize in . . . ALWAYS.

It seems a little paradoxical to see a cute animal sign when you consider said cute animal was killed for you to eat it--lol.

The stream that runs along the road my apartment complex is next to.

Not a bad pic when I didn't have my tripod with me . . .


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