Tuesday, October 14, 2008

2008 Thanksgiving in Korea with a Turkey!

This past Sunday afternoon Julianne, myself, and Shane headed over to Liz's apartment to begin prepping our Canadian Thanksgiving feast . . .

Liz had already bought a bunch of supplies, and baked two pumpkin pies--YUM!

Supplies for making stuffing later on . . .

Behold! I give you two incredibly rare things in Korea in the same place at the same time: 1. a turkey, and 2. an oven big enough for a 5kg turkey.

The Oven.
(Live here for almost 4 years, and THEN tell me this is not picture worthy!)

Liz did 99% of the cooking--THANKS LIZ!

Shane attempting to fix Liz's phone through some kind of American meditation energy transference: he called Liz's phone with his, and then had a conversation . . . lol.

Preparing the ingredients for stuffing . . .

The stuffing was then ready to send over to Brendan's place to cook there--we had no room left on the oven at Liz's place.

Checking on the turkey . . . .

Shane, Julianne, and I went to the grocery store and bought way too much to make a salad--WAY . . . TOO . . . MUCH!

Gravy . . . a beautiful thing (again, live here for 4 years and THEN tell me blah blah blah about the pics I take, lol).

Gravy, carrots, and potatoes.

Getting a Korean style table ready for dinner. We sat on the floor Korean style.

My deadly girlfriend . . . sarangeyo (I love you!)

The finished salad . . . wow. And that bowl is really ONLY full of vegetables. The salad was sitting in another bowl, lol.

TA-DA!!! The turkey is finished cooking . . . oh baby!

We wrapped it up in tin foil to keep it warm while other stuff was cooking on the stove.

All hail the Turkey Chef!!! (Liz, on the left.) All hail the Assistant Turkey Chef (Shane, on the right.)

Shane carving up the turkey . . . OUCH! It's still hot . . .

Liz making mashed potatoes--Earl's favorite.

Earl. Sitting in the living room. Contemplating mashed potatoes . . .

Oh baby . . . the stuffing is ready!

The table overflowing . . . we had to put stuff on a second smaller table out of sight.

1. Stuffing

2. Carrots

3. Gravy

Brendan brought #4. Homemade Beer--you can see the bottle sitting on the table--nice.

5. Turkey

From left to right: Liz, Shane, Svetna (god I hope I spelled that right), Brendan, Earl, and Julianne.

I had two platefuls . . . and then I felt the presence of a 15 pound bowling ball appear in my stomach--oh! Eating Korean food, and not having regular access to rich and heavy western style foods, I really suffered for about twenty minutes . . . it's the first time I've ever felt so full that I was worried I might have a serious problem and need to leave the room--'nuff said.

Shane making a Godzilla-size bowl of whipped cream . . .

6. Pumpkin Pie

6. The Godzilla-sized Bowl of Whipped Cream

See . . . I'm not kidding.

Shane carved the turkey, and then cut slices of pumpkin cake for everyone.

Now that is a thing of beauty. Thanks Liz!

Slather on the whipped cream . . . it's not often you can use the word "slather," I like using the word "slather" . . . lol.

Seriously, a horrible pic of me from the side--that being said, still kind of funny. I should post this on my fridge and see if it motivates me to work out . . . HA!

After posting the previous picture I felt compelled to post another pic of me with a much better angle--yikes, I think some days the camera adds 20 pounds, not 10.

I'll leave Homer Simpson to sum up the Thanksgiving dinner feast,

"Turkey . . . . aughgughahghaghaa . . ."


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