Friday, August 21, 2009

A Guide For New EFL/ESL Foreign English Teachers/Instructors in South Korea - Public Schools, Hogwans, Universities, and Training Center/Institutes

I've put together this post with everything I think a new foreign teacher might want to read about when they first arrive in Korea that I've written and blogged about.

If any of the following materials are used as a part of an orientation or new foreign teacher training manual I would appreciate being cited as the author (if it's something that I wrote) and or as a source from which the materials were taken from (if it's something I found and arranged and posted on the Net). I've spent a lot of time and energy writing and blogging and would appreciate the citation. Thanks.

Update: I'm sorry but there are some formatting problems. I'll try fix them soon . . .

Upon First Arriving in Korea

SMOE Orientation in Seoul, South Korea: my packing list for the orienation-quarantine-24/7 lock down . . .

2009 SMOE Orientation -- SMOE Orientations From The Past . . . taking a look at what's online and trying to get a sense of what is coming soon . . .

2005 New Foreign English Instructor Arrives at Korean Public School -- A look back at my first week in Korea . . . wow, it's been a long time . . .

New Foreign English Instructors/Teachers in Korea: Bring pictures with you for an introduction lesson during the first week at your school

First Day At School For New Native English Teachers in Korean Public Schools -- Checklist

New Foreign English Instructors -- First Day In Your New Apartment Checklist

Cultural Differences and Culture Shock

New Foreign English Teachers in Korean Public Schools -- One Foreign Instructor's Take On Some Major Cultural Differences

Korean Education System Topics

Introduction For New Foreign English Teachers To The Korean Public School Environment

South Korean English Education Madness -- 15 minute video that explains the general situation and problems

"Korean Children 'Don't Get Enough Sleep'" -- Wow . . . now there's a 'revelation' to foreign English teachers!

A Foreign English Teacher's Reflections On 3 Years of Teaching in a Korean Public School English Program

New Foreign English Teachers in Korean Public Schools -- Health and Homesickness in Korea

2005 New Foreign English Instructor Arrives at Korean Public School -- A look back at my first week in Korea . . . wow, it's been a long time . . .

EFL/ESL Teaching Books

List of EFL/ESL teaching methodology, lesson plans, games and activities, and cultural background books in my personal teaching library

TESL/TEFL Teaching Method and Theory Books, Lesson Plan and Teaching Resource Books For New Foreign English Teachers In Korean Public Schools

Bookstores in Korea

New Foreign English Instructors/Teachers in Korea: Kim & Johnson Bookstore, Gangnam, Seoul

New Foreign English Instructors/Teachers in Korea: Kyobo Bookstore in Ganghwamun Station (near Gyungbuk Palace)

New Foreign English Instructors/Teachers in Korea: Young Poong Bookstore in Jonggak Station, Seoul

New Foreign English Instructors/Teachers in Korea: Bandi & Lunis Bookstore in Jonggak Station, Seoul

"What the book?" -- New and Used English Books and Magazines -- Itaewon, Seoul, South Korea

Used Book Store in Itaewon -- not "What the book?" -- a different place called "Foreign Book Store" -- Check it out

Korean English Co-Teacher Topics

New Foreign English Instructors/Teachers in Korea -- What to do when your co-teacher doesn't show up for class.

8 Tips for Foreign English Instructors Co-teaching with a Korean English Teacher

After School Programs/Classes/Extra Classes and English Camps

New Foreign English Teachers in Korean Public Schools--Summer and Winter Camps Checklist

Extra English Conversation Classes: Setting them up; Mixed levels; Getting paid; class size limits and levels of students in the class

English Winter Camps in Korea--What to do when your co-teacher tells you to design 20 lessons for a camp and submit them tomorrow--F*#@!!!

Korean Student Pointy-Sense: The 24 Hour Test/Assignment Point Radar Phenomemon in Korean Students

Living in Korea -- Locations and Conditions

2009 Foreign English Teachers Living in Korea: Best and Worst Living Conditions Contest

Memories from 2005 on Ganghwa Island

Life in Korea - Issues for Foreign Instructors

Act on the Treatment of Foreigners in Korea -- Brian in Jeollonamdo has a translation link about this

Lesson Topic Ideas

"I can’t think of any English lesson topics . . ." Lesson Plan Topics List For New Foreign English Teachers In Korean Public Schools

Where to find western food in Korea

The Best Hamburger in South Korea -- The Smokey Saloon in Itaewon

Where can I get kebabs and middle eastern style food in South Korea? Sultan Kebab in Seoul: 3 locations


2008 Thanksgiving in Korea with a Turkey!

Dinner at the Olive Garden--YUM!

Where can I get Indian food in South Korea? -- Foreign Restaurant in Itaewon, Seoul.

Taking Julianne to VIPS in Chuncheon

Korean BBQ Galbi Video 2008 Nov 21 Dinner in Chuncheon

Lyn likes to eat steak with kimchi--That's so WRONG on so MANY LEVELS--lol

Chicken dokgalbi in Chuncheon, South Korea--up close and personal

Teacher Training and Conferences in Korea

Check out KOTESOL's official website to learn more about it. You can become a member and then attend monthly sessions with presentations, and also attend the yearly international conference held at the end of October in Seoul.

2008 KOTESOL October 25, 26 COMING SOON . . . THIS WEEKEND!

2008 KOTESOL Weekend

2008 KOTESOL: Me acting like a cat . . . yikes, or should I say "Meow?"

NOTE: Before reading this post below be aware that regardless of the criticisms I make in this post I will still be attending the KOTESOL conference. It is a great place to network with other foreign teachers from hogwans, public schools, training centers/institutes, and universities . . . and get some teacher training and hear presentations about EFL/ESL methodology . . . and the list goes on.

KOTESOL Conference 2008: Amateur vs. Professional/International

Shopping for Clothing

Visiting a Korean Emergency Room -- Gangwon National University Teaching Hospital: a nurse gave Julianne a needle full of "red stuff" tonight . . .

Things you can do when you're sick and at home on a Saturday night in Korea: Disney XXX

Look for posts this fall where I will write about EFL/ESL teaching books I recommend based on level of school/student being taught and/or English skill/program/camp, etc.

I'm also planning on writing a lot more about co-teaching in Korea . . .

I hope this helps new foreign teachers arriving in Korea in the next couple weeks . . .

Good luck!



  1. Another brain exploder.

    But very thorough. If this doesn't help someone coming here I don't know what could.

  2. Hi Joy,

    My writing/blogging causes brains to explode? Lol . . .

    I know there's stuff that isn't in the collection of posts for newbies, but I think there's already more than most people could absorb when they've just arrived anyways . . .

    But variety is the spice of life, and I think information access is the stuff of survival for newbies in Korea.

    Thanks for your comment.
