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Behold . . . I give to you,
3M Hand Instant Sanitizer
At 10,000 won a bottle it's expensive but even the pharmacist recommended this over the bottle of Korean stuff she pulled out when we asked to see what they had.
From wikipedia's entry on Respirator,
N95 | Filters at least 95% of airborne particles |
The most common of these is the disposable white N95 variety. The entire unit is discarded after some extended period or a single use, depending on the contaminant. Filter masks also come in replaceable-cartridge, multiple-use models. Typically one or two cartridges attach securely to a mask which has built into it a corresponding number of valves for inhalation and one for exhalation.
Now my only problem is choosing how to decorate it like An English Teacher Under Quarantine in South Korea . . .
Oh -- my -- god! It's his 30th birthday today!

"So my awesome friends and fellow quarantinees (sp?) made me an awesome crown/hat/tribal mask thingy for my 30th birthday today. It’s made of cans, masks, plastic bottles, toilet paper, and a whole lotta love!
Spending my 30th birthday In Quarantine in Korea ranks up there around about the Rings of Saturn or Heaven, as places I never thought I’d be at this time, however I’m lucky to be around such an awesome group of people!"
I'm gonna go do that right now.
Hi,which pharmacy did you buy it at?
"Tonight Julianne and I picked up some hand sanitizer at Emart."
Department stores have pharmacies inside them.
Normal hand washing is fine. However, a mask is going to do next to nothing. It may filter "particles", but a virus will pass right through.
Bottom line: Don't freak out.
happy b day dear teacher...
n yeah it may sucks bt have a blast...
n get well soon very sincerely from the very bottom of my heart..
tc faya
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